36. How beautiful (Air, soprano)
How beautiful are the feet of them
that preach the gospel of peace,
and bring glad tidings of good things.
罗马书 10:15报福音传喜信的人,他们的脚踪何等佳美。
Chorus (or air for tenor)
Their sound is gone out into all lands,
and their words unto the ends of the world.
罗马书 10:18他们的声音传遍天下,他们的言语传到地极。
37. Why do the nations (Air, bass)
Why do the nations so furiously rage together,
and why do the people imagine a vain thing?
The kings of the earth rise up,
and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord,
and against His anointed.
诗篇 2:1 外邦为什么争闹,万民为什么谋算虚妄的事。
2:2 世上的君王一齐起来,臣宰一同商议,要敌挡耶和华并他的受膏者,
38. Let us break their bonds (Chorus)
Let us break their bonds asunder,
and cast away their yokes from us.
诗篇 2:3 说:“我们要挣开他们的捆绑,脱去他们的绳索。”
39. He that dwelleth (Recitative, tenor)
He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh them to scorn;
The Lord shall have them in derision.
诗篇 2:4 那坐在天上的必发笑。主必嗤笑他们。
40. Thou shalt break them (Air, tenor)
Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron;
thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.
诗篇 2:9 你必用铁杖打破他们,你必将他们如同窑匠的瓦器摔碎。
41. Hallelujah (Chorus)
Hallelujah: for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.
The kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord,
and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.
King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.
启示录19:6 哈利路亚,因为我们的神,全能者作王了。
11:15 世上的国成了我主和主基督的国;他要做王,直到永永远远。
19:16 万王之王,万主之主。
(PART THREE 救主战胜死亡及最终的审判)
42. I know that my Redeemer liveth (Air, soprano)
I know that my Redeemer liveth,
and that He shall stand
at the latter day upon the earth.
And though worms destroy this body,
yet in my flesh shall I see God.
For now is Christ risen from the dead,
the first fruits of them that sleep.
约伯记19:25 我知道我的救赎主活著,末了必站立在地上。
19:26 我这皮肉灭绝之后,我必在肉体之外得见神。
哥林多前书 15:20 但基督已经从死里复活,成为睡了之人初熟的果子。
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